rum cocktails

We all owe a debt to gin (but we’ve paid it off!)

Our resident researcher and communications director, Michael has some thoughts on why we’re making rum. And they can be quite insightful!

Before the gin-inspired craft spirits boom, the drinks industry and the way spirits were consumed were very different to the way they are now. 

Whether savoured straight as an acquired taste (a single malt or fine cognac) or diluted with a rigidly associated mixer (gin and tonic, rum and coke), there was little thought given to trying something new. 

Some sample a different brand, maybe – but few drinkers of spirits would venture beyond their tried and tested way to enjoy their favourite drink.  

We sometimes, without realising, wore a badge that everyone knew was “your drink”. 

And there’s nothing at all wrong with that. Tried and tested sounds way better than tried and regretted, after all.

Some of us remember this limited choice and big-name brands only approach. Of course, we always had a broad choice in some things here in Scotland with our Whisky distilleries but even they went through a big-brand consolidation in the latter half of the 20th century. So many are now part of the multi-national drinks companies that swallowed up every type of booze they could get hold of, like that one friend that will literally drink anything at a party...   

As for brand loyalty, well, the big boys worked hard to ensure we stuck with them. From international marketing campaigns to localised promotions, we knew what we liked. It was a hard thing to change.

Same brand, same mix, same experience. Who can really blame them - it worked!

Regardless, our love of the spirit has continued to grow

The times they are a-changing and it’s good for you and good for us! The huge expansion of the craft spirit market has brought different options to what is a vastly increasing number of spirits consumers. Odds are, if you’re reading this you’re already a regular consumer of Spirit. And we all know which one is almost always top of the list! 

Gin has evolved. From the old-ladies' ruin to the modern drinker’s sophistication, it’s all there! In its many reinvented forms and flavours, it is as often drunk with just ice or as part of a cocktail, without the need for a tonic. And of course, we’ve all now entered into the “craft mixer” market - fancier and more botanical tonics, lemonades, colas. And we applaud them all - they have changed the game and it is for the better! 

Now, there is a new player on the scene which is making the market its own. We have picked up the baton from the Gin pioneers and are running a completely new race…too many sports metaphors? So, here's some facts for you:

Rum sales in the UK passed the £1billion mark in 2018 for the first time ever – an increase of 7.5% on the previous year. In 2019, the taste for Rum is set to change altogether - from a White Rum being top of the list to Spiced Rum leading the way into 2020. There's a clear pattern here and we have hardly scratched the surface.

Have you been to the bar recently and sighed? We have and we’re fairly committed to getting to a bar. We have seen it and we have felt it. As rum’s versatility becomes better known and gin fatigue (yes, we are calling it that) prompts more and more drinkers to try a new product, there is an opportunity for something different to come to the fore. (Cue fanfare.)

Step forward The 45 – a delicious spiced rum which tastes as great on the rocks as it does in adventurous cocktails and many more mixers than rum’s traditional partner, cola. We’ve tried it with everything you can imagine. It works and it’s definitely spicing things up.  

(By the way, if rum and coke is your thing, you should sample our spirit with a craft cola and we guarantee you’ll find your favourite drink has just got better.)

We are delighted to be offering you a traditionally-manufactured product with an authentic back story and identity – which we’ll tell you more of in later blogs. We’ve worked hard to keep things craft. This is hand-made by friends who have learned together.  

What’s really exciting is that the interest of you, our audience, and other potential rum consumers is already piqued. We’re on a journey together. 

This is a real rebellion and it is only just beginning. We’d like to invite you to join the journey from its outset. Forward The 45!