What to mix with Spiced Rum?

If you think about drinking rum, the most obvious mixer that people usually have in their head is Coke. But the question of what else to mix with Spiced Rum is one a lot of people are starting to ask. Read on to find out some delicious and maybe surprising alternatives.

With the diversity of Spiced Rums now available, many are finding Coke as the default option doesn’t always cut it. Our home-made, Scottish Spiced Rum, The 45 is versatile and works with a lot of mixing options but it’s also pretty good on its own. Our highly original, completely clear Spiced Rum, Charlie’s Chopper, is made for the mix and so pretty much ready for anything you care to throw at it. And plenty of good, craft spiced rums are just the same.

Spiced Rums are now opening up a world of possibilities in terms of mixers and options for enjoying this amazing drink. Depending on the spice profile of the rum, you can choose from fruit juices, craft mixers or introduce some other ingredients to make it part of a really good cocktail. Here are our top mixers for Spiced Rum:

The old faithful - Coke

Spiced Rum and Coke served with fresh lime

Spiced Rum and Coke

Nowadays there are so many different versions of Coke to choose from: everything from cherry and vanilla flavours all the way through to craft colas. When a spiced rum has a vanilla or ginger profile, sweeter coke can sometimes be too overpowering. We recommend going for a sharper, broader flavoured cola and adding some citrus to your Spiced Rum. Charlie’s Chopper, our signature Spiced Rum that’s made for the mix is pretty much ready for anything but a classic cola is absolutely superb with the clean, spiced flavour.  

Ginger ale

Glass of The 45 Scottish Spiced Rum with Fever Tree Ginger Ale garnished with orange peel

The 45 and Ginger

This one might surprise you because very often ginger beer is the next option on the list - but we feel a nice ginger ale is more subtle and allows you to taste more of the rum. Try it with only a small amount of ginger ale to start with to make sure you taste the rum and then top up as you like to balance the flavours.

Fruit juices

Fruit juice

Without going to the extravagance of mixing a cocktail, adding a fruit juice can work very well with a Spiced Rum. We would recommend apple juice, pineapple juice and orange juice - each of them really brings out the taste in your Spiced Rum. And don’t forget you can always use a sparkling fruit juice such as a limonata or appletiser.

Spiced Rum and Tonic

Rum and Tonic

A long-time, perfect partner to gin, many people are surprised to learn that tonic actually works very well with a brown or spiced spirit. For many years, it has been a popular choice for cognac in a “cognac long” but try it with a good Spiced Rum and you’ll be surprised at how refreshing it can be.

Be bold - try it straight! 

A tasting glass half filled with The 45 Spiced Rum on Ice

Straight Up!

A Spiced Rum is perfect as a sipping drink just on ice. This will give you a perfect chance to taste all of the flavours that have been distilled into this wonderful spirit. Go on, be bold, try it with the Spirit of Rebellion!